
Archive for 2012 年 9 月 2 日

Friedrich Nietzsche: The Birth of Tragedy! (6)


The Birth of Tragedy P6: (網友提供; 如有錯誤, 請原諒!)

Not only does the bond between
man and man come to be forged once more

by the magic of the Dionysian rite,

but nature itself,
long alienated or subjugated,

rises again to celebrate the reconciliation
with her prodigal son, man.

The earth offers its gifts voluntarily,

and the savage beasts of mountain
and desert approach in peace.

The chariot of Dionysus is bedecked
with flowers and garlands;

panthers and tigers stride beneath his yoke.

If one were to convert Beethoven’s
Paean to Joy into a painting,

and refuse to curb the imagination
when that multitude prostrates itself reverently
in the dust,

one might form some apprehension
of Dionysian ritual.

Now the slave emerges as a freeman;

all the rigid,
hostile walls which either necessity

or despotism has erected between men
are shattered.

Now that the gospel of universal harmony
is sounded,

each individual becomes not only
reconciled to his fellow but actually
at one with him

as though the veil of Maya had been torn apart
and there remained only shreds floating

before the vision of mystical Oneness.

Man now expresses himself through song
and dance as the member of a higher community;

he has forgotten how to walk,
how to speak, and is on the brink
of taking wing as he dances.

Each of his gestures betokens enchantment;

through him sounds a supernatural power,

the same power which makes the animals speak
and the earth render up milk and honey.




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